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Next.js Conf

Sanity + Next.js
The Perfect Pair

Sanity and Next.js logos side by side

Teams powered by Sanity + Next.js

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Start building with Sanity and Next.js

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Composite graphic showing people at a party, a map and a calendar with the date Oct 23th
Conference Mainstage

Watch "Live by Default"

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Track • Sanity Learn

Work-ready Next.js

Build a functional, content-driven and dynamic web application that best serves your end-users, fellow developers and content authors.

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Course • Sanity Learn

Content-driven web application foundations

Combine Sanity and Next.js and deploy to Vercel via GitHub to get the fundamentals right. Powering a fast and collaborative development and content editing experience.

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Course • Sanity Learn

Controlling cached content in Next.js

Creating a high performance web application for fast loading depends on caching. Learn how to implement a caching strategy you can understand, debug and depend on.

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Course • Sanity Learn

Integrated Visual Editing with Next.js

The ultimate upgrade for content authors is to have absolute confidence in the impact of their work before they press publish – as well as the tools to rapidly find and update even the most minor pieces of content.

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Course • Sanity Learn

Build landing pages with Next.js

Give your content authors the creative freedom they need to produce landing pages by assembling individual blocks while still benefitting from structured content.

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Course • Sanity Learn

SEO optimized content with Next.js

SEO doesn't have to be complicated. It's a matter of taking content you've already responsibly structured with Sanity and rendering it in the format and places that search engines expect. Complete this course to improve how robots and humans interact with your content with Sanity and Next.js

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See why teams love Sanity + Next.js


All-in-one Toolkit

Install next-sanity→
Composite overview of Sanity Studio, GROQ, Content Source maps, and Portable text
Live by default

Live Content API

Read the docs→
Composite graphic showing people ready for a run, a map and a calendar with the date Oct 24th
End-to-end type safety

Type-Safe queries and schema types

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Always up to date

Next.js 15, React 19, and React Compiler support

illustration of terminal application - powered by Sanity
Structured content

Separate Content and Presentation

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Content lake
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Fully configured Next.js templates

Sanity pairs perfectly with Next.js

I started using Sanity for a friend's startup project. As I am using react components. Loving it! It allows developers to define a simple schema for content that is easily deployed using command line interface.

A portrait of Zahra Dargahi
Zahra Dargahi
Senior Frontend Developer @ IAG
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After testing Strapi and Prismic, I made the choice to focus on Sanity. Their documentation was simple enough to ensure a quick start, the existing React or NextJS libraries made my job a lot easier.

A portrait of Rayed Benbrahim
Rayed Benbrahim
Global Partner Solutions Architect Lead for Capgemini
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I'm using Sanity with Next.js, and I just tell clients "this is what I work with, and what I can guarantee lets me build the best products".

A portrait of Eivind Lindbråten
Eivind Lindbråten
Full Stack Developer @ Mint
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Start building with Sanity and Next.js
