Add drag-and-drop elements
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Go beyond "click-to-edit" with additional affordances for rearranging arrays in your front end
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Update the
schema type fields to include an array of "related posts" to render at the bottom of your post
type documents.export const postType = defineType({ // ...all other settings fields: [ // ...all other fields defineField({ name: "relatedPosts", type: "array", of: [{ type: "reference", to: { type: "post" } }], }), ],});
Update your single post query to return the array and resolve any references.
export const POST_QUERY = defineQuery(`*[_type == "post" && slug.current == $slug][0]{ _id, title, body, mainImage, publishedAt, "categories": coalesce( categories[]->{ _id, slug, title }, [] ), author->{ name, image }, relatedPosts[]{ _key, // required for drag and drop ...@->{_id, title, slug} // get fields from the referenced post }}`);
Update your types now that the GROQ query has changed.
npm run typegen
Create a new component to render the related Posts
"use client";
import Link from "next/link";import { createDataAttribute } from "next-sanity";import { POST_QUERYResult } from "@/sanity/types";import { client } from "@/sanity/lib/client";import { useOptimistic } from "next-sanity/hooks";
const { projectId, dataset, stega } = client.config();export const createDataAttributeConfig = { projectId, dataset, baseUrl: typeof stega.studioUrl === "string" ? stega.studioUrl : "",};
export function RelatedPosts({ relatedPosts, documentId, documentType,}: { relatedPosts: NonNullable<POST_QUERYResult>["relatedPosts"]; documentId: string; documentType: string;}) { const posts = useOptimistic< NonNullable<POST_QUERYResult>["relatedPosts"] | undefined, NonNullable<POST_QUERYResult> >(relatedPosts, (state, action) => { if (action.id === documentId && action?.document?.relatedPosts) { // Optimistic document only has _ref values, not resolved references return action.document.relatedPosts.map( (post) => state?.find((p) => p._key === post._key) ?? post ); } return state; }); if (!posts) { return null; } return ( <aside className="border-t"> <h2>Related Posts</h2> <div className="not-prose text-balance"> <ul className="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-0.5" data-sanity={createDataAttribute({ ...createDataAttributeConfig, id: documentId, type: documentType, path: "relatedPosts", }).toString()} > {posts.map((post) => ( <li key={post._key} className="p-4 bg-blue-50 sm:w-1/3 flex-shrink-0" data-sanity={createDataAttribute({ ...createDataAttributeConfig, id: documentId, type: documentType, path: `relatedPosts[_key=="${post._key}"]`, }).toString()} > <Link href={`/posts/${post?.slug?.current}`}>{post.title}</Link> </li> ))} </ul> </div> </aside> );}
You will notice data-sanity
attributes being added to the wrapping and individual tags of the list. As well as a useOptimistic hook to apply these changes in the UI immediately, while the mutation in the content lake is still happening.
Update the
component to include the RelatedPosts
component.import { Author } from "@/components/Author";import { Categories } from "@/components/Categories";import { components } from "@/sanity/portableTextComponents";import { PortableText } from "next-sanity";import { POST_QUERYResult } from "@/sanity/types";import { PublishedAt } from "@/components/PublishedAt";import { Title } from "@/components/Title";import { urlFor } from "@/sanity/lib/image";import Image from "next/image";import { RelatedPosts } from "@/components/RelatedPosts";
export function Post(props: NonNullable<POST_QUERYResult>) { const { _id, title, author, mainImage, body, publishedAt, categories, relatedPosts, } = props;
return ( <article className="grid lg:grid-cols-12 gap-y-12"> <header className="lg:col-span-12 flex flex-col gap-4 items-start"> <div className="flex gap-4 items-center"> <Categories categories={categories} /> <PublishedAt publishedAt={publishedAt} /> </div> <Title>{title}</Title> <Author author={author} /> </header> {mainImage ? ( <figure className="lg:col-span-4 flex flex-col gap-2 items-start"> <Image src={urlFor(mainImage).width(400).height(400).url()} width={400} height={400} alt="" /> </figure> ) : null} {body ? ( <div className="lg:col-span-7 lg:col-start-6 prose lg:prose-lg"> <PortableText value={body} components={components} /> <RelatedPosts relatedPosts={relatedPosts} documentId={_id} documentType="post" /> </div> ) : null} </article> );}
Add a few Related Posts to any post document. Now within Presentation, you should be able to drag-and-drop to reorder their position, and see the content change in the Studio.
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