Build a functional, content-driven and dynamic web application that best serves your end-users, fellow developers and content authors.
Combine Sanity and Next.js and deploy to Vercel via GitHub to get the fundamentals right. Powering a fast and collaborative development and content editing experience.
Creating a high performance web application for fast loading depends on caching. Learn how to implement a caching strategy you can understand, debug and depend on.
The ultimate upgrade for content authors is to have absolute confidence in the impact of their work before they press publish – as well as the tools to rapidly find and update even the most minor pieces of content.
Give your content authors the creative freedom they need to produce landing pages by assembling individual blocks while still benefitting from structured content.
SEO doesn't have to be complicated. It's a matter of taking content you've already responsibly structured with Sanity and rendering it in the format and places that search engines expect. Complete this course to improve how robots and humans interact with your content with Sanity and Next.js
A comprehensive collection of courses starting with the basics to get started then onto the skills to maintain long-lived production projects.
Get a top-level understanding of the Sanity Studio configuration API to embed a fully configured and near-infinitely customisable content editing interface into any React application. Then write a GROQ query and present data in a front-end.
Go beyond the default configuration. Learn what separates an average Sanity Studio from a fully-configured, content creation powerhouse that authors will love.
Expertly navigate schema changes, validate datasets, and execute content migrations using tools like the Sanity CLI and GROQ queries.
Go beyond writing data queries – filter, add functions, reshape and transform the responses. Get familiar with GROQ, the query language for Sanity data, webhooks and roles.
Learn how to generate TypeScript types from a Sanity Studio schema and GROQ queries. Ensure robust, maintainable, and error-resistant code, equipping you with advanced techniques for content schema management and type-safe data fetching.
Learn how to move your content and workflows from a legacy CMS to Sanity, your new Content Operating System.
Learn how to assemble the right team, preempt pitfalls, and move your legacy content to a modern, fast, and structured content platform to take the stress and risk out of even the most ambitious re-platforming project.
No matter where your content is, Sanity provides options to ensure its smooth transfer to the Content Lake. These are general strategies for developers migrating content.
Compose a powerful, reusable migration script to convert live data into Studio-ready structured content with references and assets. This module focuses on WordPress' REST API but could be adapted to any data source.