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Last updated February 20, 2025

Forms with Sanity

By Chris LaRocque

How to manage forms for your front-end with Sanity

The 2 types of form integration

Integrating a form service is no different than integrating any external system with Sanity. That being said, integrating an external form service with Sanity most commonly falls into two buckets, you either want to:

  1. Author forms in an external service, then reference those forms by ID in your content (”I want my-marketing-form from MailChimp to go here on my page”), or

  2. Author forms inside Sanity, with the external service being used as a “bucket” for all the form submissions on your site (services like Netlify Forms or Formspree)

There are other form use cases Sanity can cover, you could even use Sanity to collect form submissions and manage user generated content (like we do on this site and https://www.sanity.io/learn), but this guide will cover the above two most common use cases.


The plugin @sanity/sanity-plugin-form-toolkit offers pre-built tooling for both types of form integrations if you’re looking to have something “out of the box”. This guide will dive into a more general look at how form-toolkit goes about creating these integrations.

form-toolkit currently has integrations for these services:

  • MailChimp
  • HubSpot

form-toolkit also exposes the formSchema plugin and FormRendering React component, which provides a pre-built form schema for your Studio and a component to render those forms respectively.

Syncing external forms with Sanity

Syncing external forms with Sanity typically assumes that the service you’re syncing has some way to embed forms on your front-end that expects an ID to know which form to render. In such cases @sanity/sanity-plugin-async-list allows you to add a string field to your Sanity documents that fetches data from a remote source. Our guide on syncing external data sources includes a section outlining this approach in detail.

Authoring forms in Sanity

For basic form authoring, it may be preferred to author the form structure and fields in Sanity, pass that data to a component to render the form, and then use a ‘catch-all’ service for form submissions like Formspree or Netlify forms.


@sanity/form-toolkit includes a package, formSchema for building and rendering forms from your Sanity Studio

If you’d prefer to build your own implementation instead of using form-toolkit, the process is the following:

  1. Model a typical form in Sanity schemas, including
    1. A form type containing an array of formField objects
    2. A formField type with various props for the HTML input element like type , placeholder , name, required , label and others based on your needs
    3. Additional properties on form or formField based on your needs, perhaps your forms need multiple sections or you want to control the form action from the CMS, all can be built into your schema
  2. Create a component that renders your form in your front-end framework of choice
    1. Take the form from a GROQ query, render a <form> element, passing the relevant props from your data
    2. Take the fields array, and return an appropriate input for each provided field and its type
    3. Optionally, use a form package like TanStack Form or react-hook-form for better error and state management
  3. Create logic for how your form handles and sends submissions.
    1. With some platforms like Netlify forms this means adding data attributes to the <form> element
    2. In other cases like Formspree its adding their URL as the action attribute on your form

Sanity – build remarkable experiences at scale

Sanity Composable Content Cloud is the headless CMS that gives you (and your team) a content backend to drive websites and applications with modern tooling. It offers a real-time editing environment for content creators that’s easy to configure but designed to be customized with JavaScript and React when needed. With the hosted document store, you query content freely and easily integrate with any framework or data source to distribute and enrich content.

Sanity scales from weekend projects to enterprise needs and is used by companies like Puma, AT&T, Burger King, Tata, and Figma.

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