When you set metadata such as title, altText, and description on an image field, the values are stored at the document level instead of in the image. If you use the media browser plugin, you can set these values on the asset; however, you cannot review or edit them at the document level.
To add metadata directly to the asset, you can add a custom input component to the image type/fields; the custom input displays the values under the image, and it enables editing them without leaving the document.
The example code to build the custom input component is in JavaScript.
First, define a simple image type you can reuse; enable hotspot and add an optional property for general metadata.
Go to your schemas folder, create an image subfolder, and then in the subfolder, add a new file named imageType.ts (or .js):
// schemas/image/imageType.jsimport{ ImageIcon }from'@sanity/icons'import{ defineType }from'sanity'exportconst imageType =defineType({name:'imageWithMetadata',type:'image',title:'Image',icon: ImageIcon,options:{hotspot:true,metadata:['blurhash','lqip','palette'],// requiredFields are set here for custom validation and more requiredFields:['title','altText'],},preview:{select:{media:'asset',title:'asset.title',},},fields:[// we use this to cause revalidation of document when the image is changed// A listener would also be an option, but more complexdefineField({type:'boolean',name:'changed',hidden:true,}),],})
This guide is pretty long, so many detailed explanations are added inline with the code using TS doc and normal comments.
Check out the Gist here and use the code in your Editor of choice. Pro-tip: try hovering over the variables and imported props, to see the documentation inline
Typing and the doc comments will make working with complex components like this one easier long term, even if its a pain to start with.
Then, open sanity.config.ts and add imageType.js to the existing schema.types:
Go to /schemas/image and add a new subfolder named components. Inside components, create a file named ImageInput.jsx.
The file defines an image input component:
// for fully typed version see https://gist.github.com/bobinska-dev/103e589ffc254a3b13f3965423f41fedconstImageInput=(props)=>{return<div>Hello</div>}exportdefault ImageInput
Use renderDefault and add a button
In this case, you’re adding custom functionality to the default image input. To render the image, use renderDefault to take care of the operation.
To produce a tidy UI, use the @sanity/ui components. Moreover, use Stack to space the components vertically and Flex to avoid Button from spanning across the whole width. This makes it possible to add more elements when the need arises.
Then, add the custom input component to the image type to see what it looks like in the GUI:
// schemas/image/imageType.jsimport{ ImageIcon }from'@sanity/icons'import{ defineType }from'sanity'import ImageInput from'./components/ImageInput'exportconst imageType =defineType({name:'imageWithMetadata',type:'image',title:'Image',icon: ImageIcon,options:{// optional and not used in this guide for nowhotspot:true,metadata:['blurhash','lqip','palette'],// requiredFields are set here for custom validation and more requiredFields:['title','altText'],},
The custom input component should look like this after you add the image as a field to a document:
// use the image in a field like thisdefineField({type:'imageWithMetadata',name:'metaImage',title:'Image With Metadata',}),
The input using `renderDefault` with the additional button
Add buttons, a modal and more
Because our input component should be flexible enough for us to use it in different situations and extend it with other fields if we want, we will set things up like this:
The inputs will be rendered according to a fields array and checked against the requiredFields array we pass down through the options.
// ImageInput.jsxconstImageInput(props)=>{/*
* Variables and Definitions used in the component
*//** Fields to be displayed in the metadata modal */
/** The fields that will be used to render the inputs */
const fields =[
required: requiredFields.some((field)=> field ==='title'),
title:'Alt Text',
required: requiredFields.some((field)=> field ==='altText'),
required: requiredFields.some((field)=> field ==='description'),
/** The ID of the selected image
* To get rid of TS errors (if you are using Typescript), we need to add a new type `MetadataImage` which extends `Image`
* see {@link https://gist.github.com/bobinska-dev/103e589ffc254a3b13f3965423f41fed#file-types-ts}
*/const imageId = props.value?.asset?._ref
/** State to store the image metadata */const[sanityImage, setSanityImage]=useState({})/** Dialog (dialog-image-defaults) */const[open, setOpen]=useState(false)const onClose =useCallback(()=>setOpen(false),[])const onOpen =useCallback(()=>setOpen(true),[])
Since we now have the required fields and inputs for the values, we can setup a handler Callback and some validationStatus, similar to what the Sanity Studio does.
// in ImageInput.jsx/** get object for error state from required values in `fields` array
* @see {@link fields}
*/const fieldsToValidate = requiredFields.reduce((acc, field)=>{if(field.required){return{...acc,[field.name]:false}}return acc
},{})/** Error state used for disabling buttons in case of missing data */
/** Handle Change from Inputs in the metadata modal
* @param {string} event is the value of the input
* @param {string} field is the input name the change is made in (corresponds with the field name on the sanity.imageAsset type)
Now out input values are being stored in the sanityImage state object and our fields are validated! 😎
You can extend the whole input array by passing down a field array, similar to the way we added the requieredFields and passed them down from the schema definition or field to the input component.
Since we set things up dynamically, you can do whatever you need in the input.
Just make sure to redeclare the Sanity module to add the new options as detailed here
If you upload an image and click on “Edit metadata”, the metadata modal should be displayed like that (with no validations!)
These are the image metadata fields in the modal (Dialog component)
Step 3: fetch image data and patch changes
To store the input values to the asset, you need to set up a way to patch the values to the sanity.imageAsset document type with the _id of the selected image. To be able to edit the image, you also need to get existing data from the image asset.
Let’s start by getting the data from a selected image first!
Fetch the referenced image data with useEffect and listen for changes
To get the image data, set up a listener query using the useEffect React hook:
Create a debounce function first and then add the useEffect hook under the states (for example) in your input component
// utils/sleep.jsexportconstsleep=(ms)=>{returnnewPromise((resolve)=>setTimeout(resolve, ms))}// schemas/image/components/ImageInput.jsx/*
* Fetching the global image data
*/useEffect(()=>{/** Initialising the subscription
* we need to initialise the subscription so we can then listen for changes
*/let subscription
const query =`*[_type == "sanity.imageAsset" && _id == $imageId ][0]{
}`const params ={imageId: imageId }constfetchReference=async(listening =false)=>{/** Debouncing the listener
listening &&(awaitsleep(1500))/** Fetching the data */await client
.fetch(query, params).then((res)=>{setSanityImage(res)}.catch((err)=>{
console.error(err.message)})}/** since we store our referenced data in a state we need to make sure, we also listen to changes */constlisten=()=>{// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
subscription = client
.listen(query, params,{visibility:'query'}).subscribe(()=>fetchReference(true))}/** we only want to run the fetchReference function if we have a imageId (from the context) */
imageId ?fetchReference().then(listen):setSanityImage(nullas any)/** and then we need to cleanup after ourselves, so we don't get any memory leaks */returnfunctioncleanup(){if(subscription){
subscription.unsubscribe()}}// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps},[imageId, client])
We store the returned data in the same state as our inputs, since we only load the data here once and listen to changes.
We can now change the values in the modal. We need to set up a functionality to patch the new values stored on sanityImage onto the image asset itself.
Patch changes to the image asset document with handleGlobalMetadataConfirm
To store the data on the image asset, we set up a handler function to patch the values using the client.
To make the custom input component user-friendlier, use a toast from the @sanity/ui to notify them when the metadata is successfully added to the image. You can do the same in catch() to also notify users when an error occurs.
Create a file in the utils folder of your component folder and add this code:
// schemas/image/utils/handleGlobalMetadataConfirm.js/** ## Handler for handleGlobalMetadata being patched after confirmation
* when the confirm edit Button is pressed, we send the mutation to the content lake and patch the new data into the Sanity ImageAsset.
* We also add a toast notification to let the user know what went wrong.
*/exportconsthandleGlobalMetadataConfirm=(props)=>{const{ sanityImage, toast }= props
/** Make sure there is a image _id passed down */
// if there is an image id, we will patch the data?patchImageData(props)// if not we tell the users, that there is an image missing: toast.push({status:'error',title:`No image found!`,description:`Metadata was not added to the asset because there is no _id... `,})}/** ### Data patching via patchImageData
* We also add a toast notification to let the user know what succeeded.
imagePath,}: GlobalMetadataHandlerProps)=>{// create an object with the values that should be setconst valuesToSet = Object.entries(sanityImage).reduce((acc,[key, value])=>{if(value ===''){return acc
}return{...acc,[key]: value,}},{})// create an array of key strings (field names) of fields to be unsetconst valuesToUnset = Object.entries(sanityImage).reduce((acc,[key, value])=>{if(value ===''){return[...acc, key]}return acc
.patch(sanityImage._id as string).set(valuesToSet).unset(valuesToUnset).commit(/* {dryRun: true} */)// If you want to test this script first, you can use the dryRun option to see what would happen without actually committing the changes to the content lake..then((res)=>
toast.push({status:'success',title:`Success!`,description:`Metadata added to asset with the _id ${res._id}`,})).then(()=>{// we also patch a boolean value to the image field (hidden Field) to make sure that validation is rerun on the document (later in the guide)
.patch(docId).set({[`${imagePath}.changed`]:!changed }).commit()}).finally(()=>onClose()).catch((err)=> console.error(err))}
Then, add the function to the confirmation button in the modal:
Now, we that we have most of the functionality set up, we can display the metadata stored in the sanityImage state. The following screenshot shows an example of the implementation as rendered in the GUI.
And now our field is much more informative for editors 😊
You can reuse the same component for displaying the existing metadata for the three values you get from the useEffect listener; start by building that:
//schemas/image/components/Metadata.jsximport{ Flex, Text }from'@sanity/ui'constMetadata=({ title, value })=>{return(<Flex gap={1}><Text weight="bold" muted size={1}>{title}:</Text><Text size={1} muted>{value
?`${value?.substring(0,80)}${value?.length <80?'':'...'}`:'Undefined'}</Text></Flex>)}exportdefault Metadata
And then add them underneath the image input, added via the renderDefault.
Step 4: Add validation, disabling Buttons and more!
And you’re almost done! 🥳
This will work perfectly fine, but let's dig a bit deeper into the Sanity API, and ensure our input component and image type are as user-friendly as possible, and add validation and some more bling to make this a truly functional addition to our studio.
User friendly and accessible - dreamy ✨
Now let’s add some validation and use the passed down options.requiredFields, and learn how to setup validation with more then just a simple rule, spanning multiple documents and redefining the options when using the new image type in another document etc.
Let’s first make sure, users can see if a value is missing on their image asset, when they set an image in a document.
exportconst imageType =defineType({name:'imageWithMetadata',type:'image',title:'Image',description:`Please add the metadata you want to use in the frontend.`,icon: ImageIcon,options:{hotspot:true,metadata:['blurhash','lqip','palette'],requiredFields:['title','altText'],},components:{input: ImageInput,},validation:(Rule)=>
Rule.custom(async(value, context)=>{const client = context.getClient({apiVersion:'2021-03-25'})/** Stop validation when no value is set
* If you want to set the image as `required`,
* you should change `true` to "Image is required"
* or another error message
*/if(!value)returntrue/** Get global metadata for set image asset */const imageMeta =await client.fetch('*[_id == $id][0]{description, altText, title}',{id: value?.asset?._ref })/** Check if all required fields are set */const requiredFields = context.type.options.requiredFields
const invalidFields = requiredFields.filter((field: string)=>{return imageMeta[field]===null})if(invalidFields.length >0){const message =`Please add a ${invalidFields.join(', ')} value to the image!`return{valid:false, message }}returntrue}),fields:[// we use this to cause revalidation of document when the image is changed// A listener would also be an option, but more complexdefineField({type:'boolean',name:'changed',hidden:true,}),],})
Wonderful, now we have validation on the document! This is also why we patch a hidden value onto the document: When a value on the doc level is modified, validation is run. If we don't change something on the document, editors might not be able to publish, although everything is a okay.
Wohoo valudation is also running on the document level now!
When you want to make sure that users set a different subset of metadata values in another document type, you can override options.requiredFields like this because we made sure to keep things flexible. 😎
defineField({type:'imageWithMetadata',name:'metaImage',title:'Meta Image',description:'You need to add a credit to the image description and an altText!',options:{requiredFields:['altText','description'],},}),
Disable buttons when validation errors are present
With validation being run on the document regarding the image metadata, users will not be able to publish until they add the required fields in our input!
We can use the same logic to disable the submit button and also add validation to the input component:
// ImageInput.jsxconstImageInput=(props)=>{// THE REST return(<div>{/* THE REST COMPONENTS */}{/*
* * * SUBMIT BUTTON * * *
text="Save global changes"
GROQ the metadata: Getting the values in your front-end
And this is how you can get the values from the imageAsset without dereferencing the whole asset (this is important because you can ramp up bandwidth very fast when requesting unoptimised images from the content lake).
Sanity Composable Content Cloud is the headless CMS that gives you (and your team) a content backend to drive websites and applications with modern tooling. It offers a real-time editing environment for content creators that’s easy to configure but designed to be customized with JavaScript and React when needed. With the hosted document store, you query content freely and easily integrate with any framework or data source to distribute and enrich content.
Sanity scales from weekend projects to enterprise needs and is used by companies like Puma, AT&T, Burger King, Tata, and Figma.
Discover the power of Portable Text with this essential guide. From data structure, serialisation to validation strategies, you'll learn everything you need to harness its potential.