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Profile page of Sean C Davis

Sean's headline: Tinkerer. Teacher. Sandwich Eater.

Sean's email: hello@seancdavis.com
Sean's website: www.seancdavis.com/
Sean's location: Cincinnati, United States
Sean's job title: Senior Software Engineer
Sean is Available for work

Sean is a tinkerer and a teacher. He is driven to learn by doing (often failing) and loves passing those learnings onto others who may find them beneficial.

After spending nearly a decade building web applications for agencies and as a freelancer, Sean has joined Grouparoo as a founding engineer. Grouparoo is an exciting new startup focused on syncing data between customer databases and cloud-based tools.

But no matter what his job or the code he writes during the day, tinkering for Sean doesn't end at work. On any given day, Sean may be playing music, baking bread, writing fiction, accidentally killing plants, hosting a podcast, or digging into some new piece of technology. And once he learns enough to help others, he'll write a blog post, teach a course, or give a talk on the subject.

But whether it's at work or play, Sean puts one thing above all else: having a little fun along the way.