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Profile page of Minae Lee

Minae's headline: Tech writer focused on developer documentation

Minae's email: minae.lee@gmail.com
Minae's website: minaelee.com/
Minae's location: Arizona, USA
Joined: April 2024
Minae's job title: Technical Writer
Minae is Available for work

I'm fascinated by words and technology, so technical writing is a natural vocation for me. Even as a child, if I didn't have my nose buried in a book, I was programming BASIC or roaming online through dial-up telnet clients. (I was obsessed with the science-fiction writer Heinlein at one point in my life, so I have a yet-to-be-confirmed suspicion about the origin of the name for GROQ.)

In my former lives, I've been a linguistics student, an online game developer, a test automation engineer, a director of coding curriculum, and more. (That "more" list includes fortune teller, tattoo artist, portrait painter, and seller of rare books. Feel free to ask me about any of them!) In my current life, I focus on writing documentation for developers.

I often think about this: Where would we be as a species if we hadn't started writing down what we know so that others can learn from our knowledge and experiences? I've learned so much from books and online content in my life, and as a technical writer, I'm pleased to contribute back.