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Profile page of George Everitt

George's headline: Commodore Geek - Object Oriented since 1983. (it/its)

George's location: Clearwater, Florida, USA
Joined: May 2021
George's job title: Managing Member
George is Available for work

A bon-vivant and man-about-town, Mr. Everitt is well-known to the cognoscenti.

Women adore him, men admire him, and children aspire to be him.

His first job was programming binary load lifters, very similar to vaporators in most respects.

Speaks: bocci. It's like a second language to him.

Voted "Most Unique" at Clearwater Central Catholic High School in 1983.

Proud recipient of the "Certificate of Merit in Grocery Merchandising" from Winn Dixie, June 12, 1982.

Also a few degrees in computer sciencey stuff.