Profile page of Isah Ibn Muhammad

Isah's headline: React | NextJS | Svelte | SvelteKit | TailwindCSS | Styled-Components | Front-end Developer

Isah's website:
Isah's location: Abuja, Nigeria.
Joined: February 2023
Isah's job title: Frontend Developer
Isah is Available for work

I'm a seasoned frontend React and Svelte developer. I have been a front-end developer since 2018. Since then, I have developed many websites and front-end applications across various fields and industries.

Some language libraries, tools, and frameworks I have experience with are:

  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Git/GitHub
  • Reactjs
  • React-Native/Expo
  • Nextjs
  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • Styled-Components
  • TailwindCSS
  • ShadCN
  • MUI
  • SaSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Framer/Framer-Motion
  • Axios
  • Postman
  • Clerk
  • Sanity
  • Strapi
  • Stripe
  • Redux/Redux-Toolkit

My main competency and the types of projects I have worked on are:

  • Responsive Design
  • Dashboard Design
  • E-Commerce Design
  • SaaS Application Design
  • Graph and Charts (Data visualization)
  • Frontend Debugging
  • SEO & Web Optimization
  • Testing
  • Collaboration
  • Team Leadership