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Try Condé Nast UK’s asset management tool for Sanity Studio

Love Magazine have more than 30.000 photos and needed better asset management. Try out the asset manager Robin Pyon built for them with multiple views, sorting and batch deletion.

  • Knut Melvær

    Knut Melvær

    Head of Developer Community and Education


On Nov 26th, we announced the new asset source extension point for Sanity Studio. We mentioned there that the feature was inspired by the work Robin Pyon had done for Love Magazine, a photo-heavy Condé Nast London publication. We also kicked off a small competition for the most useful and interesting source asset plugins, and within a week, there are already new plugins to be found on the plugins page.

Screenshot of Love Magazine’s media manager

And now there's another one. Robin has published the the asset manager he made for Love Magazine for anyone to use. This is the first release of the asset selector that made us build the asset source feature in the first place. It comes with some caveats, but we have tried it here at the Sanity HQ and can confirm that it's already pretty great.

It features:

  • Switch between grid and table browser views
  • Order images by date and filename
  • View dimensions, size, and file type in the selector
  • View unused media assets
  • Access your media as its own tool
  • Batch operations for image deletion

If this isn’t exciting enough, we recommend checking out Robin’s roadmap for the media plugin.

Try it out by running this in your command line in a studio folder:

sanity install media

Join the asset source competition

It still time to join the competition. On December 9nd, 2019, we’ll give some premium swag to the most useful and most interesting asset source plugins:

  • Must use the new asset source extension point
  • Have been published on npm with the sanity-plugin-asset-source-<name> scheme
  • Must be open-source

Watch this 20 min tutorial on how to build one from start to finish, here's a starter to kick you off, and we recommend checking out the source code for the ones that's published.

At us on Twitter (@sanity_io) with your submissions on December 8th the latest.
