Sigurd Heggemsnes
Developer who loves making life easier for people
Sigurd is located at Oslo, Norway
Get parents parent in reference filter
interface FindParentsParentOptions {
parentPath: Path
document: SanityDocument
level?: number
export const findParentsParent = ({
level = 1,
}: FindParentsParentOptions) => {
if (level > parentPath.length) throw new Error("Level is too high")
const obj = parentPath
.slice(0, parentPath.length - level)
.reduce((doc, path) => {
if (typeof path === "object") {
const t =
Object.entries(path).length > 0 ? Object.entries(path)[0] : null
if (!t) return doc
const [property, value] = t
return (doc as any).find((d: any) => d[property] === value)
} else {
return doc[path]
}, document)
return obj
import { defineField } from "sanity"
export const articleByCategory = defineField({
type: "object",
name: "articleByCategory",
fields: [
type: "reference",
name: "reference",
to: [{ type: "category" }],
type: "array",
name: "articles",
of: [
type: "reference",
name: "article",
to: [{ type: "article" }],
options: {
filter: ({ document, parentPath }) => {
const parentsParent = findParentsParent({
parentPath: parentPath,
document: document,
return {
filter: "category._ref == $category",
params: {
category: parentsParent.reference._ref,
Sometimes you want to get the "parents parent" when filtering references. This is a helper function to help you achieve that.
Can also be used by passing a "level" key so you can get X levels up from your current field.
Developer who loves making life easier for people
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