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Modularfield Records

By M. Scholz

Label Page with Shopify Hydrogen integration

Release Page Example - Content via Shopify Hydrogen
Meta Information Example and Add to Cart Option - via Shopify Hydrogen
Artist Page Overview - via Sanity
Upcoming & Past Concerts - via Sanity
Shop Section - via Shopify Hydrogen

About the project

In a headless architecture, the front end (the part users interact with) is decoupled from the back end (where content is managed). This separation allows for greater flexibility and scalability, enabling us to deliver content across various platforms and devices seamlessly. Sanity Headless CMS serves as the backbone for all our content, while Shopify Hydrogen manages everything related to products. For security reasons, we have left checkout and account management in Shopify's capable hands. Oxygen provides blistering-fast hosting, ensuring an optimal user experience.

The Project was heavily inspired by the Fluid Theme Template as a basic foundation. And yes there is also a dark mode.
