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Make a Daily Difference

By Michael Fanuzzi & Moses Gunesch

Make a Daily Difference helps you give back any day of the year, pairing international days of celebration and remembrance with organizations doing work in that field.

live reactions from all over the world! powered by sanity.
a close-up of the unique "globetrotter" navigation that lets you drag through days
social sharing widget
mobile views
We built an awesome feature: auto-generated Share Images! See our post at https://mosesoak.medium.com/fun-cms-feature-auto-generated-og-images-for-social-shares-with-sanity-io-b6cfcb01c9a1

About the project

We at y'all are so excited to announce the launch of our latest for-good initiative! Ever wanted to do something to give back—but got overwhelmed? Make a Daily Difference is a simple way to give back on any given day of the year.

Its playful design is wrapped in snackable UI: a dynamic color palette that’s different each day and prioritizes accessibility, live-streaming emoji reactions (built on Sanity's Listen feature) so you can see when other people around the world are reacting, and an innovative globe-trotting scroller.

As a cherry on top, we built an awesome custom Sanity feature: every day gets its own Share (OG) image generated automatically and saved to the CMS on publish! Read more about this at our Medium post.
