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Authentication options


import {type AuthConfig} from 'sanity'


interface AuthConfig {
  apiHost?: string
  loginMethod?: LoginMethod
  mode?: 'append' | 'replace'
  providers?: AuthProvider[] | ((prev: AuthProvider[]) => AuthProvider[] | Promise<AuthProvider[]>)
  redirectOnSingle?: boolean


apiHost?: string
apiHost?: string

The API hostname for requests. Should usually be left undefined, but can be set if using custom cname for API domain.

loginMethod?: LoginMethod
loginMethod?: LoginMethod

Login method to use for the studio. Can be one of: - dual (default) - attempt to use cookies where possible, falling back to storing authentication token in localStorage otherwise - cookie - explicitly disable localStorage method, relying only on cookies. May fail due to cookies being treated as third-party cookies in some browsers, thus the default is dual. - token - explicitly disable cookies, relying only on localStorage method

mode?: 'append' | 'replace'
mode?: 'append' | 'replace'

Whether to append the providers specified in providers with the default providers from the API, or replace the default providers with the ones specified.

providers?: AuthProvider[] | ((prev: AuthProvider[]) => AuthProvider[] | Promise<AuthProvider[]>)
providers?: AuthProvider[] | ((prev: AuthProvider[]) => AuthProvider[] | Promise<AuthProvider[]>)

Array of authentication providers to use, or a function that takes an array of default authentication providers (fetched from the Sanity API) and should return a new list of providers. This can be used to selectively replace, add or remove providers from the list of choices.

redirectOnSingle?: boolean
redirectOnSingle?: boolean

If true, the "Choose login provider" (eg "Google, "GitHub", "E-mail/password") screen will be skipped if only a single provider is configured in the providers array - instead it will redirect unauthenticated users straight to the authentication URL.
