Key benefits
Simplified architecture & improved developer agility
The development team was able to build a system that didn’t require a custom backend, which simplified their architecture. Instead, they used the Content Lake and other tooling from the Sanity ecosystem to meet their needs. Their developers were also able to move and iterate faster, letting them add real value to the front end.
Custom interfaces & workflows for efficient editor experiences
The editor group is made up of nurses, doctors, teachers, lawyers, and others with a wide range of technical knowledge. Customizing the studio gave them the tools they needed to support their everyday activity. Compared to the previous system and workflow, the average time to answer questions went from 2.5 days to 1.5 days!
Flexible & secure access control used Sanity’s third-party login support and roles features to help improve security, protect sensitive data, and tailor permissions to resources and actions for different user groups. This made managing their users and controlling what actions they could take in the system a lot easier.
About the customer
NoA Ignite is a 450 people strong digital agency that is based in Scandinavia and Poland. Their overarching aspiration is to be great place to grow for digital talent and future-forward companies. NoA Ignite is part of The North Alliance. is an information portal aimed at Norwegian youth run by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir). The main task of Bufdir is to provide children, young people and families in need of help and support with appropriate, high-quality assistance nationwide.