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Sanity.io on the devmode.fm podcast

Our developer advocate Knut Melvær appeared on the devmode.fm podcast and talked Sanity.io with Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, and Lauren Dorman


  • Knut Melvær

    Knut Melvær

    Head of Developer Community and Education

The good folks at devmode.fm had us on their podcast devmode.fm to talk about Sanity.io and structured content. The conversation features many great questions from the hosts, and Knut discloses how you can get on Sanity’s GraphQL beta 😎. It's a good primer if you're curious about Sanity.io and haven't tried it yet.

From the episode description:

In this episode we have on Knut Melvær from San​i​ty​.io to talk about cre­at­ing struc­tured con­tent in the ​“head­less” CMS that is San​i​ty​.io!

We talk about how a head­less CMS has a dif­fer­ent approach from a tra­di­tion­al CMS, and Sanity’s approach to the tack­ling the job of defin­ing schema, and deliv­er­ing a user friend­ly back­end for con­tent editors.

We dis­cuss what sets San­i­ty apart from oth­er sim­i­lar ​“CMS as a ser­vice” prod­ucts out there, name­ly the real­time col­lab­o­ra­tion and the exten­sive cus­tomiz­abil­i­ty that it offers. Tune in for a very inter­est­ing discussion!

Listen to the episode on the devmode.fm website, or search for “devmode.fm” wherever you get your podcasts.