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Live coding with Gatsby.js and Sanity.io: How to make a portfolio website

Our developer Espen joined Gatsby.js’ Jason Lengstorf on Twitch and taught him how to use Sanity.io as a content backend for Gatsby.js. Together they made a portfolio website.


  • Knut Melvær

    Knut Melvær

    Head of Developer Community and Education

Is it possible to start from scratch and build a portfolio website in 90 minutes using Gatsby.js and Sanity.io? How does images, real-time watch mode, and getting content from Sanity into Gatsby actually work?

Watch the video from the live stream Gatsby.js’s Jason Lengstorf did with Espen Hovlandsdal, our developer behind the gatsby-source-sanity plugin. They walk you through getting started with Sanity.io and Gatsby.js, set up a project, and how to string it all together.

You can find and clone the repos for Jason’s code on GitHub: