CoursesDay One with Sanity StudioAnti-patterns
Sanity Developer Certification

Day One with Sanity Studio



You're now experienced in the basics of creating excellent editing experiences for content creators ... and you're just getting started!

Log in to mark your progress for each Lesson and Task

Before you set off creating your next Sanity project, it's good to be mindful of some patterns to avoid. Here's what we explicitly didn't do in the previous exercises.

Mark each task complete as you make a promise to your future self to do your best job of:

Using singular names for entities – category not categories – plural names should be reserved for UI labels like titles in Structure Builder.
Model content around what it is, not what it looks like. Model a person, location, product etc instead of making everything a page.
Avoiding display-focused field names. Model the content's intent, not its presentation. For example tone instead of colour, priority instead of fontSize. Your future self will thank you when the next website redesign comes!

Now you've created a basic Sanity Studio, go further with the Studio excellence module for more inspiration for excellent editorial experiences.