CoursesBetween GROQ and a hard placeThe Vision Tool
Sanity developer certification
Sanity developer essentials

Between GROQ and a hard place


The Vision Tool

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Vision is a plugin bundled with Sanity Studio that allows you to write GROQ queries against the current Project ID and Dataset.

Note: Vision uses your logged-in credentials to perform authenticated requests. In most setups, your front end client makes unauthenticated queries of publicly queryable documents. This explains why you may see draft documents in Vision and not in your front end.

Check to see if visionTool() is already listed among your Studio's plugins in your sanity.config.ts file. If not, you'll need to install it:

We'll use the npm package readme for instructions on how to install it into the Studio:

Open a terminal and install the plugin package
npm install @sanity/vision
In your Studio config, import the visionTool() function
import { visionTool } from "@sanity/vision";
Add it to the config's plugins array
plugins: [
// ... all your other plugins

You should now see at least two Tools in your Studio: Structure and Vision.

Now, you have a playground prepared to run queries against the current dataset.

Let's GROQ.

You have 3 uncompleted tasks in this lesson
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