CoursesRefactoring content for migrationReducing SEO impact
Replatforming from a legacy CMS to a Content Operation System

Refactoring content for migration


Reducing SEO impact

Confidently migrate content into Sanity, maintain SEO standing, manage redirects, and prevent broken links. Ensure visual consistency with automated testing.

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Migrating content into Sanity is just one half of the equation. If your front end is a website with an established link structure and good SEO standing, you must have automated, external link checking and downtime monitoring.

If your URL structure changes as part of the re-platforming, ensure you have redirects from old pages to new ones. Use a tool like Screaming Frog to crawl your existing website to find every route that needs recreating.

Redirects can be modeled as Sanity Studio schema types and implemented into any framework that supports redirects.

See the guide Managing redirects with Sanity on Sanity Exchange

It may be part of your re-platforming strategy to reduce the amount of content you have online, but you still should not be generating a large volume of unhandled, broken links.

Set up a broken link-checking service to catch any invalid internal links. If you do not already have a link checking service, the sooner you can set this up, the better.

Do an audit of the existing URL structure and which URLs should be handled with redirects.

Another option, if your existing front end is going to be re-used with Sanity as the new content source, is to perform automated visual regression testing.

Misshaped or invalid data may break page layouts – and your application may be far too large to manually check every page individually. An automated tool may catch these broken layouts and alert you to deeply nested visual problems.

Courses in the "Replatforming from a legacy CMS to a Content Operation System" track