1. Primitives
  2. Heading

<Heading />

Typographic headings.
<Stack padding={4} space={[3, 3, 4, 5]}>
<Heading as="h6" size={0}>Heading 0</Heading>
<Heading as="h5" size={1}>Heading 1</Heading>
<Heading as="h4" size={2}>Heading 2</Heading>
<Heading as="h3" size={3}>Heading 3</Heading>
<Heading as="h2" size={4}>Heading 4</Heading>
<Heading as="h1" size={5}>Heading 5</Heading>


as?: React.ElementType | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
size?: number | number[]
weight?: string

Accessibility considerations  

Many users of assistive technologies use headings as a way to navigate (“navigate by heading” functionality). Tools like screenreaders can display a list of headings, which is a bit like a table of contents.
For this reason, use the as property with a level whenever your heading is something users might want to navigate to. This ensures your heading can be recognised as a heading.
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