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Optimization showcase projects

1st Call Immigration

How we moved Nottingham's #1 independent immigration specialist into the JAMstack

Roboto Studio
Go to 1st Call Immigration

Next.js Edge SSR

New edge server side rendering with Sanity to see what peak performance looks like

Roboto Studio
Go to Next.js Edge SSR


Controlling the ESG narrative with Next.js & Sanity

Roboto Studio
Go to Key ESG

Solo Grano

Serving the finest Sanity experience for an Italian Deli

Roboto Studio
Go to Solo Grano

Velobici: Translation Strategy

Velobici is a UK-based e-commerce that produces and sells luxury cycling apparel. They noticed that their platform started getting traction in Japan and South Korea, so they approached us to implement a translation strategy so that they can have content easily translated.

Go to Velobici: Translation Strategy


Directory of tools for frontend developers, organized by category for ease of use

Andreea Egli - Hehl
Go to devtooly

Grab a Coffee

Grab a Coffee is a simple, shareable widget that lets talent request virtual coffee chats with companies.

Jon Eide Johnsen
Go to Grab a Coffee


Recipes.co.nz: Bringing excitement and pride to the kiwi kitchen

Go to Recipes.co.nz

Other contribution categories