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Content enrichment tools & plugins

AWS S3 media browser

Studio v2

Allows uploading, referencing and deleting video and audio files to S3 directly from your Sanity studio.

Henrique Doro
Go to AWS S3 media browser

Icon Picker

Icon picker which let you select icons from a set of icon providers

Christopher Af Bjur
Go to Icon Picker


Studio v2

A field based on other fields; memoization in your Sanity model. Field value is recomputed with the click of a button, using a GROQ query referencing the current document being edited, and a reducing function to produce the single value from the GROQ result.

Sean H
Go to sanity-plugin-computed-field


Official(made by Sanity team)

Access and reference images and videos from your Cloudinary account within the Sanity Studio.

Rune Botten
Go to sanity-plugin-cloudinary

Parts List

Studio v2

Displays a basic output of currently available Parts, these have been retrieved using the 'sanity:debug' part. This information is displayed on the plugin's page with the raw data logged to the developer console for further examination.

Go to Parts List

Media Library

Studio v2

The missing media library for Sanity. With support for filters per tag and extension. 🔥

Go to Media Library

PBD protein input

Studio v2

Custom input for PDB protein models with content models for camera position and zoom.

Rune Botten
Go to PBD protein input

Mermaid Graph Input

Studio v2

Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown

Go to Mermaid Graph Input


Studio v2

Sanity plugin providing input handlers for geo-related input types using Mapbox

Go to Mapbox

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