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Build an e-commerce site with the Stripe API

Studio v2

In this tutorial, we'll make a no-frills "merch store" for a personal blog using the Stripe API, Next.js, and Sanity. We'll leverage Stripe's fantastic checkout platform to redirect our customers to Stripe's servers for their checkout process.

Joe Holmes
Go to Build an e-commerce site with the Stripe API

GraphQL vs REST: which API is best for your web app?

Are you planning to build an API for your web application and you don't know what architectural approach to take? In this article, we will describe REST and GraphQL APIs. We will see their features, advantages, disadvantages, and use cases.

Facundo Giuliani
Go to GraphQL vs REST: which API is best for your web app?

Form submission using Gatsby, SANITY, Netlify and React Hook Form

A walk through of creating a contact form in Gatsby that submits to both an email address and a backend database using SANITY. The form itself will be built using React Hook Form and also integrate with Netlify forms.

This is an external link at:www.erichowey.dev
Eric Howey
Go to Form submission using Gatsby, SANITY, Netlify and React Hook Form

How to query JSON docs in the Terminal with GROQ

Official(made by Sanity team)

JSON docs are everywhere, but they’re rarely structured the way you want it. Learn to use GROQ in the CLI to get JSON doc data into the shape you need it.

This is an external link at:css-tricks.com
Magnus Holm
Go to How to query JSON docs in the Terminal with GROQ

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